Connected Construction Software | AEC/O Solutions | ProjectReady Central

How To Distill Information Across Multiple AEC Software, Platforms, And Systems On Every Construction Project   

Here at ProjectReady, we believe an IDE or “integrated data environment,” is the only way to collaborate and manage project information. It addresses the age-old challenge of managing information across phases, projects, and teams. An IDE distills information across the AECO’s common data environments (CDEs) and the other sub-systems that exist within the companies tapped to work on a project. By providing a scalable layer that addresses the needs outlined in your communication management plan or strategy, an IDE drives meaningful search, auditing, and reporting capabilities.  

We believe an IDE is the missing element the industry has been looking for when it comes to:  

    • Driving automation, synchronization of data and content, and collaboration across leading AECO software and platforms to reduce risk and save time, and  
    • Distilling information in the context of a project to empower better decision-making.   

Click Here To Learn More About The Integrated Data Environment On This Episode Of The AEC Business Podcast With Finnish Construction Innovation Agent Aarni Heiskanen. 

An IDE Puts Your Business First  

Platforms vary from project to project. But how you manage and collaborate on information within a project and across phases should remain constant. An IDE is agnostic. It deploys a systematic process over the platforms you and your team use daily.   

CDE’s and systems change from project to project – and even phase to phase. But, ultimately, with an IDE in place, it doesn’t matter what platform is being used and by whom. Instead, an IDE delivers a consistent process for the management of information across the entire project.

Structured within a layer of governance that allows users to work consistently across the multiple platforms and systems, the goal of an IDE is to put your organization, whether you’re a design firm or a commercial real estate company, in a position to succeed. An IDE ensures that everyone is working from a single version of the truth. 

Finally, an IDE serves as the broker of information when it comes to management of all relevant information across the project. And, once project information has been sourced and distilled from all AECO software, systems, and platforms in play, the IDE becomes a powerful decision-making tool that empowers users to reduce risk, save time, and save money.  

Power To The People 

Thanks to the process over platform approach to collaborative project information management, it’s never been easier to set up, govern, and sync projects across companies and team members. Wizard-based automation of project set-up frees your team up to do more high-value work, drives ROI across organizations, and allows you to get large-scale projects up and running in minutes – not days. Additionally, because governance is established across systems, brute force effort, expense, and risk associated with moving data and content is virtually eliminated.  

With the help of an IDE, your skilled professionals are empowered to tackle the high value work they were hired to do in the first place. As a result, users will gain access to key information that allows them to head off potential challenges, take advantage of real-time opportunities, and make better decisions faster and with more confidence. As a result, entire project teams are able to realize greater efficiency while keeping budgets and timelines intact.

The Future Of Connected Construction Is The IDE  

To learn more about the value of an IDE and how it drives collaborative project information management (PIM) across your projects, contact us for a risk-free consultation. In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about how we’re helping companies embrace digital transformation in construction, check out the additional resources below.  

By: Joe Giegerich, ProjectReady CEO & Founder 

Learn How The Cloud Has Changed The Construction Project Management Process   

“How To Implement Digital Transformation In Construction” 

“Keys To A Successful Construction Project Information Management (PIM) Strategy” 

“5 Ways The Cloud Can Help Reduce Construction Disputes And Litigation”

Additional Resources