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Autodesk Construction Cloud Integration

Connect Your Project Ecosystem – ACC, Procore, Microsoft 365, Bluebeam and Box

Extend the Value of Autodesk | ProjectReady

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Learn how to Extend the Value of your Autodesk Investment

SharePoint and Autodesk Construction Cloud Webinar

Watch Webinar On-Demand:
The Benefits and ROI of Connecting the Autodesk Construction Cloud and SharePoint Microsoft 365

Our Autodesk Construction Cloud Integration Drives Efficiency, Control and a Single Source of the Truth for the AECO Industry

Blue Check | Collaborative Project Information Management | ProjectReady | ProjectReady

Sync data across Autodesk Build (BIM 360), Box, PlanGrid, Procore, SharePoint & multiple Autodesk Construction Cloud hubs.

Blue Check | Collaborative Project Information Management | ProjectReady | ProjectReady

Connect projects to internal ERP or CRM systems at the onset of the project to maintain authoritative data throughout the job.

Blue Check | Collaborative Project Information Management | ProjectReady | ProjectReady

Save time & drive efficiency when you automate the setup of M365, and deploy security-trimmed SharePoint site templates.

Blue Check | Collaborative Project Information Management | ProjectReady | ProjectReady

Securely collaborate on, and exchange, data across team members’ and their chosen solutions without losing vital data along the way.

Blue Check | Collaborative Project Information Management | ProjectReady | ProjectReady

Work confidently knowing your solution is expertly built and always up to date and user-friendly for maximum adoption.

Integrate | Automate | Collaborate

Drive seamless and secure system integration across the AECO software internal and external teams use on a project to gain greater value from your existing tech investments.

ProjectReady’s Autodesk Construction Cloud integration allows you to drive greater value from the tools you already own, including Autodesk Build, BIM 360, and PlanGrid. 

Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) Integration With ProjectReady | Project Information Management Solution | PIM | ProjectReady
BIM360 Integration With ProjectReady | Project Information Management Solution | PIM | ProjectReady
Bluebeam Integration With ProjectReady | Project Information Management Solution | PIM | ProjectReady
Procore Integration With ProjectReady | Project Information Management Solution | PIM | ProjectReady
SharePoint Integration With ProjectReady | Project Information Management Solution | PIM | ProjectReady
Microsoft Outlook Email Integration With ProjectReady | Project Information Management Solution | PIM | ProjectReady

Automated Autodesk Provisioning

Automate the setup of new project sites in the Autodesk Construction Cloud, in conjunction with M365, and Procore (if necessary) with ProjectReady. Then instantly connect to the other systems used on a project, like other instances of Autodesk Build, BIM 360, PlanGrid, Procore, SharePoint, Teams, Box, and more.

ProjectReady’s automated project site setup across programs ensures all connected systems have the same project ID, metadata, and scalable taxonomy – in as little as five minutes. 

Check out our ROI calculators to see how much time and money you could save when you automate project site setup across systems using ProjectReady. 

Connect And Sync Content, Data Across Multiple Autodesk Hubs With ProjectReady’s Program Management

Keep all project team members and stakeholders on the same page and in possession of a single source of truth that persist across the multiple projects in play within the context of a program. ProjectReady allows users to connect multiple Autodesk Construction Cloud hubs (yours or a vendor’s). This means collaboration can persist along with authoritative information even if more than one team on the project uses their own version of Autodesk. Read on to learn how ProjectReady’s new ReadyConnect program management solution empowers construction managers.

    How Much Time & Money Will You Save?

    Why Choose A Collaborative Project Information Management Solution

    According to a December 2022 study by Dodge Data & Analytics, poor data integration has direct negative implications to a construction company’s profitability, ability to complete projects on time and on budget, project closeout, and overall client satisfaction.

    Deploying ProjectReady delivers immediate results for general contractors, construction management, and design-build companies because we directly address the top five data integration challenges reported by general contractors. ProjectReady allows project teams to:


      1. Easily move data from one solution to another.
      2. Integrate the various solutions in your existing technology stack, including Autodesk Build, BIM 360, PlanGrid, Procore, Bluebeam, Box, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and more.
      3. Simplify the exchange of data with other project team member’ solutions.
      4. Maximize integration with the other software solutions used internally, including your ERP and CRM systems.
      5. Eliminate the need for internal application development while delivering the peace of mind of knowing that your solution has been expertly developed and tailored to meet your specific needs and is always maintained and updated.

    Unlock New Realms Of Possibility With ProjectReady

    From bid to closeout, ProjectReady’s collaborative project information management solution facilitates connection, communication, and collaboration across AEC team members and owners on a project. Our integrated data environment (IDE™) lets you work together on project information in a way that promotes trust. Reduces work, rework, errors, and risk to achieve greater project profitability.

    Listed below are some of the ways ProjectReady is different from other solutions in today’s marketplace.


      • Automated setup and security of SharePoint, Teams, M365 group mailboxes and instant connectivity to systems used by other team members on the project.
      • Robust data integration fuels advanced functions like instant document generation, tailored reporting, and complete auditability.
      • Connected workflows plus Outlook integration allows users to register content and launch document control workflows from a range of locations, including email.
      • Connected collaboration across teams within a modern, dynamic user interface lets users easily launch Bluebeam Studio sessions while ensuring versions of documents are saved in the proper location.
      • Instant syncronization across platforms allows the right team members (internal and external) to access the right versions of information at the right time.

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